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35.-What was the trouble with you the day before yesterday?

-When I practiced running on the playground, my strength _____ and I fell onto the ground.

    A.gave away      B.gave in        C.gave off        D.gave out


34.-Were you caught in the rain yesterday?

-Good luck. No sooner       home than it poured down.

    A.I had reached                    B.had I reached   

    C.did I reach                      D.I have reached


33.Entering the hall, I found them ________ at a desk, ________ a lecture

    A.seated; attending                  B.seating; attending 

    C.seat; attend                      D.seated; attended


32.-He failed his exam again.

  -But what did you _____? Had he ever been working hard?

 A.think        B.expect       C.consider      D.imagine


31.I wish I could offer you some cake but there’s ______ left.

    A.nothing        B.none        C.nobody       D.no one


30.- The house in this city is far too expensive.

   - I’ll buy one, ______.

    A.though         B.so            C.either          D.too


29.______what he said, he must be a honest man.

    A.Judge from     B.Judging from    C.Being judged by   D.To be judged by

