0  168293  168301  168307  168311  168317  168319  168323  168329  168331  168337  168343  168347  168349  168353  168359  168361  168367  168371  168373  168377  168379  168383  168385  168387  168388  168389  168391  168392  168393  168395  168397  168401  168403  168407  168409  168413  168419  168421  168427  168431  168433  168437  168443  168449  168451  168457  168461  168463  168469  168473  168479  168487  447090 

28.--- How unhappy your roommate looks!

   --- Yes, but he’s not willing to tell me what it is     is troubling him.

    A.what          B.which         C.as            D.that


27.Sarah is so sweet but      girl to speak out in public.

    A.the too shy      B.too shy a       C.too shy the      D.too a shy


26.Mrs. Black took the police back to     place     she witnessed the robbery.

    A.the same; as     B.the same; where  C.the same; that    D.the same; when


25.--- They say Philip’s brother is a billionaire.

   ---      ? He wouldn’t accept any help from his brother, even if it were offered.

    A.What if        B.What for       C.So what        D.Forget it


24.I didn’t know your mobile number; otherwise I       you the second I got to Changsha.

    A.had rung       B.would ring      C.should have rung  D.would have rung


23.Things came       after that. And now he has      student in Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    A.easy; become    B.easy; turned     C.easily; become   D.easily; turned


22.We believe that      to a free trade destroy wealth and benefit no one in the long run.

    A.barriers        B.attempts        C.administration    D.procedures




21.In 1768,       commander of the Endeavour, James Cook, met Joseph Banks, who was appointed      president of the Royal Society 10 years later.

    A.×;×           B.the; ×          C.the; the        D.×; the

