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22.After ___ more chatter, the lady returned home.

    A.a good deal of                  B.a good deal     

    C.a lot of                      D.a good many


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.It gives us hope___ some day we might even find the location of the famous Library of Alexandria.

    A.which         B.when          C.that           D./




6.What can the woman be?

    A.A waitress at a hotel 

    B.A customer of the Big Hotel 

    C.She works at the Big Hotel

7.How could the man get in touch with Dr. Smith?

    A.Dial 411 to find a proper phone number              

    B.Dial 303            

    C.Find the hotel

8.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar?

    A.To enter the room      B.To get on the bus      C.To make a phone call.


9.What does the man want to learn?

    A.Computer science      B.Skills such as driving    C.A language

10.How long does the course last?

    A.About 20 days        B.About 35 days         C.About 30 days.

11.When can he take the final exam?

    A.From Sept. 15th to 17th   B.From Aug. 16th to 18th   C.From July 12th to 16th.


12.Why does the man go to the travel agency?

    A.To get advice on where to spend his vacation.

    B.To get information about night clubs.

    C.To pay a visit to his friend, the travel agent.

13.What is the man most interested in seeing?

    A.Monuments          B.Museums            C.Night life

14.Where will the man probably go?

    A.Spain              B.Italy               C.France


15.Where does this conversation take place?

    A.At the office         B.Over the phone        C.At the man’s home.

16.Does the man have to pass a driving test?

    A.Yes                B.No.                C.It depends.

17.Where is the man now?

    A.In Boston            B.In New Jersey        C.In New York


18.Why did she think mushrooms would taste good?

    A.She saw others eating them.

    B.She heard of some there.

    C.She had once seen some there.

19.How did she try to show the waiter what she wanted?

    A.She took out a pencil and made the waiter draw a picture of a mushroom.

    B.She took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom.

    C.She managed to explain to the waiter what she wanted.

20.Why did the waiter bring her an umbrella a minute later?

    A.He thought she had drawn one.

    B.She told him to do so.

    C.He understood her meaning at last.



1.When will the man’s bus leave?

    A.8:15              B.8:30              C.8:50

2.How long will they have to wait before the game starts?

    A.10 minutes           B.45 minutes           C.Half an hour

3.Why does the woman tell the man to ask Ann?

    A.She is a librarian        B.She owns a bookstore    C.She probably has the book.

4.Where is the woman?

    A.In Washington        B.In Chicago          C.In Miami

5.What did the woman say about her dictionary?

    A.She lost it           

    B.She gave it to others    

    C.She has already borrowed a new one.


第二节     书面表达(满分30分)

 随着社会的发展,世界各国之间的联系日益增多, 文化之间的传播也越来越多。受此影响, 国内很多年轻人热衷过“圣诞节”、“情人节”等外国节日。你校的英语校报开设的“Opinions”栏目本期就在讨论对这一现象的看法。请你用英语写一篇120词左右的文章, 向校报投稿。文章主要内容包括:




第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






Have you ever felt gap between you and your parents?        76.__________

You may complain that they were never satisfied with               77.__________

whichever you do. Remember you are not alone. Three                  78.__________

school students share his stories in the movie I Am Not               79.__________

Stupid Too. It was the opened film of the 2007 Singapore                80.__________

Film Festival, that was held in Beijing.                           81.__________

At the beginning of the film, the following question is being        82.__________

asked: When was the last time someone praise you? Tom, 15,          83.__________

can’t remember. He and his brother Jerry, 8, are the two leading           84.__________

characters in the movie. Their parents are busy but have little          85.__________

time for their children.


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.Fear ______(传播)quickly through the village after they left.

67.China will launch 15 rockets, 17 ______(卫星)and the Shenzhou VII spacecraft in 2008.

68.In primitive times, people had no ______(手段)of communication.

69.I’m ______(稍微)upset she forgot my birthday.

70.During the torch relay for the 1996 Atlanta Games, a man ______(骑)a bicycle was carrying the torch across a bridge in Washington State.

71.“Think before you act” is my ______(座右铭).

72.Some parents feel ______(内疚)about not spending much time with their children.

73.The company has ______(失去)a lot of business to its competitors.

74.The workers might become even more ______(暴力)if they’re not given better treatment.

75.I’m sorry to hear that your new business didn’t make a ______(利润)last month.

