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第二节  短文改(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






Dear friends,

It is real a good chance to have met all of you here.            76.__________

We have spent several precious weekend in learning in the           77. __________

English Club. Although we have been members for a short          78. __________

period of time, we have made a great progress. That is             79. __________

because we are all very much active and the activities are not        80. __________

only enjoyable and also helpful. Besides, the foreign teachers         81. __________

here work hard and try his best to make the activities              82. __________

lively and interested. I am very pleased to say that all of            83. __________

us greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am               84. __________

looking forward to see all of you again in the near future!           85. __________

Thank you.


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.Mary’s dress is not the right ________(长度); it is too short.

67.Her hard work was highly __________(表扬) by the boss.

68.He once ____________(尝试) a short way in studying English

69.A motorcycle can be very __________(昂贵).

70.My girlfriend worked as a _________(女服务员) in a restaurant.

71.The peasants will see a good ________(收获) this year.

72.I had to ___________(承认) that I had made a mistake.

73.We often have the Spring festivals in __________(二月).

74.____________(蔬菜) are good for people’s health.

75.The meeting will be very important, so you won’t be late _____________(无论如何).

