0  168320  168328  168334  168338  168344  168346  168350  168356  168358  168364  168370  168374  168376  168380  168386  168388  168394  168398  168400  168404  168406  168410  168412  168414  168415  168416  168418  168419  168420  168422  168424  168428  168430  168434  168436  168440  168446  168448  168454  168458  168460  168464  168470  168476  168478  168484  168488  168490  168496  168500  168506  168514  447090 

32.Sorry , the other rooms have been rented , this is the only ______ one .

  A.available      B.adoptable       C.approachable     D.accessible


31.The teacher went up to the sleeping student and patting him on the head, ____________.

    A.waking him up                  B.to wake him away

    C.woke him up                    D.waken him away


30.-It is said that Jack is very rich and is always changing his private cars .What is he?

 -__________ , I am not sure .

  A.Somebody of a manager            B.Anyone of a manager

  C.Something of a manager           D.Anything of a manager


29.I ___________ to get there before 5 o’clock , but now the rain is pouring down. They _________for me impatiently.

  A.promised ; must be waiting          B.have promised ; ought to wait

    C.promise; may have waited          D.will promise; could wait


28.______twice a year, whether it is a car or a truck, is a rule that every driver must obey in this city.

    A.Examining                     B.Examined  

    C.Having been examined              D.Being examined


27.It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central ________ must be taken by scientists and technologists .

  A.process        B.action          C.part           D.measure 


26.No agreement can be arrived at ______the factory promises to solve the problem of pollution.

    A.except that                     B.only if 

   C.on condition that                  D.now that


25.You can not blame TV stations because they need to make money from advertisements _________ programs.

    A.inside and out of                B.before and after

   C.during and between                 D.within and among


24.The time will not be far away ________ modern communications will become widespread in China’s vast countryside.

    A.as           B.until          C.before        D.when


23.---I hear the cleaners in this school get paid by ________ month.

---Correct, and most of them get about 500 yuan _________month.

  A./; a         B.the ; /        C.a ;the         D.the; a

