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35.      by the rising price of gas, many car owners use their cars less frequently.

A.Driven         B.Being driven      C.To drive        D.Having driven


34.Rof is determined to get a seat for the concert     it means standing in a queue all night.

A.as though      B.even if        C.in case         D.so that


33.In     preparation for the launching of Chang'e I, scientists need      knowledge of weather changes.

A.the; the        B.a; /          C./; a         D.the; a


32.Little Tony is generally healthy, but every now and then he      a cold.

A.has caught      B.is catching       C.will catch      D.Catches


31.The language used in advertisements differs from      used in ordinary readings.

A.which        B.what         C.that         D.it


30.In the cross-lake swimming race, a boat will be      in case of an emergency.

A.standing by      B.turning on       C.getting on      D.going off


29.This kind of food product is natural, with no      flavors added.

A.accurate       B.regular        C.sensitive       D.artificial


28.--Did you finish your project, Marie?

   --No, I was going to type it out but I      visitors.

A.had             B.have            C.have had        D.will have


27.The Outsiders has been well received, but       actual sales, it hasn't been very successful.

A.according to     B.in terms of         C.regardless of      D.owing to

