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33.--Will you require anything else?

--Yes, I          like a whisky.

A.will            B.shall         C.should        D.might


32.A harmonious society is like a symphony orchestra--each person contributes a small sound, but when          with other sounds, it becomes beautiful music.

A.combining       B.being combined     C.combined      D.to be combined


31.--Late again! Where            ?

--Sorry, I              in the heavy traffic, or I would have been here earlier.

A.were you ; have got stuck          B.have you been; have got stuck

C.were you; got stuck            D.have you been; got stuck


30.Faced with a problem, you have to             it first and then try to find a solution.

A.analyze         B.resemble       C.concentrate      D.substitute


29.            some of the orange juice--perhaps you will like it.

A.Trying      B.Try         C.To try        D.Have tried


28.            this afternoon, you would have to come again next week.

A.The boss didn't return            B.The boss were not to return

C.Were the boss not to return          D.Didn't the boss return


27.Before the operation, the doctor had to talk to the patient in order to move her fear        she might die during, the operation.

A.when       B.that         C.which        D.so that


26.The man is             a serious nervous breakdown because he is unable to deal with pressure from daily life.

A.in front of        B.in favor of       C.on behalf of      D.on the edge of


25.The news that she had been engaged            Mr. Smith came to me as a surprise.

A.to          B.in          C.with         D.for


24.Mary often does some translation work to earn extra money, which          half of her income.

A.makes for       B.counts on      C.accounts for     D.consists in

