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29.After studying chemistry for years, I can only say I have     general knowledge of this subject.

    A./             B.a little          C.a             D.some


28.He failed in the exam.      , he doesn’t want to go to school.

    A.And what is the worse             B.To make the matter worse

    C.What makes the matter worse        D.The worse than all


27.--- It is 18 o’clock and your father is still at the office.

   --- I know. Who else would       he does?

    A.work so hard as                  B.be working harder than

    C.do harder work than               D.work as hard as


26.He insisted that whoever worked      than others should get     money.

    A.harder; the most                  B.harder; the more

    C.hardest; the most                 D.hardest; the more


25.More natural resources should be made use of     the      need of energy.

    A.meeting; increasing                B.to meet; increased

    C.meeting; increased                D.to meet; increasing


24.In the reading room, we found her     at a desk, with her attention    on a magazine.

    A.sitting; fixing    B.seated; fixed     C.sit; fixing       D.sitting; to be fixed


23.--- What should we do with this passage?

   ---      the main idea of each paragraph.

    A.Finding out      B.Found out       C.Find out        D.To find out


22.A teacher must see to it that every one of his students develops      .

    A.extremely       B.fairly          C.hurriedly       D.properly




21.The question occurred to me      we were to get the machines needed.

    A.that           B.what          C.why           D.where

