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6.Many people thought little of me, but I did what      .

    A.I thought I was right               B.I thought it was right

    C.I thought was right                D.I was thought right


5.Is there a shop around     I can get some stamps ad envelopes?

    A.which         B.where         C.that           D.what


4.The book didn’t       children probably because the author employed too many scientific terms in it.

    A.apply to        B.appeal to        C.intend to        D.lead to


3.Americans eat     vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

    A.more than twice                  B.as twice as many

    C.twice as many as                 D.more than twice as many


2.As a journalist you should first decided what events     before you make some interviews.

    A.reported        B.to report        C.to be reported    D.reporting




1.I believe that it usually takes     wise mind to have      good knowledge of this special subject.

    A./; a           B.a; a           C.a; /           D./; a

