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29.We agreed to accept      they thought was the best tourist guide.

    A.whatever       B.whomever      C.whichever      D.whoever


28.The work has      the status of a classic among the composer’s admirers.

    A.required        B.acquired        C.inquired        D.inspired


27.-Why! Where’s my mobile phone? Maybe I left it on the plane.

-My goodness! You      things behind.

    A.haven’t left                     B.didn’t leave

    C.had never left                    D.never leave


26.The leader,      the rule unfair for women, suggested it      .

    A.finding; banned                   B.to find; banned

    C.found; to be banned               D.finding; be banned


25.There is an obvious      between the cultures of the West and East.

    A.contract        B.contrast        C.content        D.contact


24.All the others seemed to know each other and I began to feel      .

    A.given away      B.fallen behind     C.turned down     D.left out


23.Can you      me a job when I get there? You know, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.

    A.apply          B.arrange         C.provide        D.guarantee


22.Don’t mind too much about      mistakes. They are      natural part of learning.

    A.不填; 不填                    B.the; a

    C.不填; a                        D.the; the




例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child      he or she wants.

A.however        B.whatever       C.whichever      D.whenever


21.-Have you paid the rent of the house?

-The rent of the house?      .

    A.That isn’t due yet.                                B.Are you sure?

    C.The house needs repair.             D.Please remember the amount.

