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37.           we all know,         do not make the man.

A.As; clothes      B.Which; clothing    C.What; clothe       D.It; cloth


36.I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will        

A.everyone       B.no one         C.somebody       D.anyone else


35.A child who is to be          is not reared exclusively on a bed of         

A.success; rose                       B.succeed; rose

C.successful; down               D.successfully; dawn


34.--You know he has made          friends since he joined the club.

--What a pity!

A.only little        B.only a few       C.quite a few        D.a little


33.Make a        schedule and         it.You'll be surprised how much you can get done in a day.

A.balanced; stick with              B.balancing; stick to

C.balancing; stick at              D.balancing; stick out


32.You can't imagine that in          country that there should be        many homeless, people.

A.so rich; such a                    B.so rich a; such

C.a such rich; such              D.such a rich; so


30.It was in such a friendly way          she talked with us.

A.how             B.as              C.in which         D.that

3 l.When the others asked Mr. Aloof what area he wanted to focus on, he         his shoulders and said “        ” .

A.nodded; Whichever                B.shook; However

C.shrugged; Whatever            D.waved : Whenever


29.--I'd like to take a week's holiday.

    --        .we're too busy.

A.Don't worry     B.Forget it       C.Don't say it      D.Pardon me


28.--How long         at the job?

--Since 1990.

A.have you been employed           B.had you been employed

C.will you be employed            D.were you employed


27.           person in         panic is frightened and confused, and is at        loss what to do.

A.The; /; a        B.A; the; /         C.A; a; a          D.The; the; the

