0  168372  168380  168386  168390  168396  168398  168402  168408  168410  168416  168422  168426  168428  168432  168438  168440  168446  168450  168452  168456  168458  168462  168464  168466  168467  168468  168470  168471  168472  168474  168476  168480  168482  168486  168488  168492  168498  168500  168506  168510  168512  168516  168522  168528  168530  168536  168540  168542  168548  168552  168558  168566  447090 

28.Frequently single-parent children _______ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served.

    A.take in         B.take on         C.take over       D.take after


27.This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, _______ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.

    A.being          B.been           C.to be          D.having been


26.Only when the government increases affordable homes for low-income groups    .

    A.the imbalance of demand and supply can be removed

    B.can be removed the imbalance of demand and supply

    C.can be the imbalance of demand and supply removed

    D.can the imbalance of demand and supply be removed


25.A recent survey shows 4 million Chinese came to Beijing from other cities to work and live,  and     is called the “floating population” is growing annually.

    A.who           B.those          C.what          D.as


24.If you let challenges stimulate       annoy you, much more can be accomplished than you thought possible.

    A.more than       B.other than       C.less than        D.rather than


23.-Have you ever heard of Jay Chou’s new movie “Kungfu Dunk”?

    -          . Does it come out in February?

    A.Yes, I see.                      B.No, I never heard it.              

    C.Yes, it rings a bell.                D.No, it came as no surprise.


22.A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _______ from the sort of candles used only in churches.

    A.had come       B.coming         C.come          D.that came



21.According to    constitutions, Putin is obliged to leave    office at the end of his second term although he is popular in Russia.

A.the, the        B./, the          C./, /            D.the, /

