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19.--- What’s the schedule for the 9th of this June?

--- A graduation ceremony    in the lecture hall.

    A. holds       B.will hold      C.is held        D.will be held


18.Mr. Green, for   life had once been very hard, donated his possessions to the poor in his fifties.

    A. whose       B.which       C.what         D.whom


17. --- Will $1000    the cost of the trip?

--- I’m afraid not. Perhaps I need another $400.

    A. pay        B.charge        C.cover        D.afford


16.On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems ____ paid special attention to.

    A. referred to being                 B.referred to be 

    C.refer to being                   D.refer to be


15.--- Take a cigarette, please.

--- No, thanks. It’s three years   I smoked.

    A. before       B.since          C.after         D.when


14.--- Did you punish him for that?

---Yes, but I don’t think I   .

    A.should have done so            B.need to have done so

    C.should do that              D.ought have done that


13.In no country   Britain, as has been mentioned,    experience four seasons during the course of a single day.

    A.other than; one can            B.apart from; one can

    C.other than; can one           D.rather than; can one


12.Generous public funding of basic science would   a good many benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security.

    A.result from   B.lead to         C.lie in         D.settle down


11.Top players must have excellent ball control, but it is not just   they do with their feet _____ counts.

    A.how; that      B.that; that      C.what; that      D.whether; what


9.--- Mum, have you seen my mobile phone?

---     you bought last week? I’m afraid I haven’t seen   .

    A.The one; it      B.The one; one    C.One;  it       D.One; one

10.As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate     from you now and then    ____  me how everyone is getting along.

    A.hearing; tell     B.to hear; tell     C.hearing; telling    D.to hear; to tell

