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35.---- Nancy, can you help me type this report, please?

   ----___________ I have a lot of work to do.

   A.What for?      B.Why me?       C.That's easy.     D.Don't bother me.


34.Jack came from a poor family, so his parents had to __________ a lot to pay for his education.

   A.accuse       B.qualify        C.purchase        D.sacrifice


33.--- Will you require anything else?

  --- Yes, I __________ like a whisky.

   A.will         B.shall         C.should         D.might


32.A harmonious society is like a symphony orchestra --- each person contributes a small   sound , but when ________with other sounds, it becomes beautiful music.

  A.combining       B.being combined   C.combined      D.to be combined


31.--- Late again ! Where _________?

   --- Sorry, I ________ in the heavy traffic, I would have been here earlier.

    A.were you; have got stuck         B.have you been; have got stuck

    C.were you; got stuck           D.have you been; got stuck


30.Faced with a problem, you have to --- it first and then try to find a solution.

   A.analyze       B.resemble       C.concentrate      D.substitute


29.________ some of the orange juice perhaps you will like it.

   A.Trying        B.Try          C.To try         D.Have tried

