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35.--Do you really want to go out? It may rain.

--       ,I shall go out.I don't mind the rain.

A.Anyway         B.Or             C.Therefore         D.So


34.Mary         a lot of French by playing with the native boys and girls.

A.picked up         B.made up         C.turned up            D.broke up


33.Please take me to a distant land        I can find the animal        gave fur to make this sweater.

A.which;that       B.where;which     C.that;where       D.which;where


32.See how serious your cold is! You         home without a raincoat the other day.

A.should not leave                     B.needn't leave

C.couldn't have left                     D.shouldn't have left


31.He's given me so much help that I really want to do something for him      

A.in returns        B.in turn          C.in answer        D.in return


30.Of the six people injured in the car accident,only two       

A.1ived           B.remained         C.survived          D.existed


29.You'd better bring a cell-phone as well as other equipment           we can get in touch with each other quickly.

A.if              B.so that          C.even though       D.when


28.But the computer was always so lonely         there by itself, until in early l 960s we gave it a family         by a network.

A.standing;connected                  B.stood;connected

C.standing;connecting                  D.stood;connecting


27.The manager          the department has just graduated from a famous university.

A.taking the charge of                  B.takes the charge of

C.taking charge of                      D.takes charge of


26.           the years           ,the computer was made smaller and smaller.What a wonder!

A.As;going by      B.As;went by      C.With;went by     D.with;gone by

