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34.She may have missed the train, ________ she won't arrive for another hour.

A.in which case                  B.in her case     

C.in any case                   D.in that case


33.From mum's love, patience and understanding, I have learned what a huge responsibility _______ is to raise a child.

   A.this          B.that       C.it           D.one


32.I wonder whether the soldier is one of those who _______ abroad to keep peace.

   A.has been sent    B.have been sent   C.have sent       D.has sent


31.--Are you going to try the media?

  --Well, I haven't decided yet. I _______ find some other choices.

   A.would         B.should        C.must        D.might


30.I _______ such a foolish mistake if I had been a little more careful.

A.wouldn't make                   B.wouldn't have made

C.hadn't made                     D.didn't make


29.I have been working there for 15 years, and never before _______ my boss so serious!

   A.I found      B.I have found     C.did I find       D.have I found


28.Yao Ming is very famous now. However, his basketball career _______ only after many years of hard work.

   A.took on       B.took off        C.took up       D.took out


27.--How are you doing all these years, Jim?

  --Nothing new. Everything is going on _______ it was years ago.

A.as            B.while      C.when        D.since


26.Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone ________ with people calling in hopes of making the copies of their pets.

A.has rung                    B.rang      

C.was ringing                   D.has been ringing


25.A few yards down Colson Street, she caught sight of a figure ________ in the opposite direction.

A.to hurry                     B.to be hurrying    

C.hurrying                     D.having hurried

