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2.不断上涨的油价使约翰打消了买车的念头。(gas prices)


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




A.The most common problem is a “wandering” mind
B.Selective listening is also a mental barrier
C.Listening isn’t an easy skill to master
D.Attitudes can also interfere with good listening
E.Noise and background music makes listening more difficult
F.Listening is also related to the level of the listener’s knowledge


Listening is not as easy as someone thought. Even good listeners may recall only fifty percent of what they hear. Retention, the ability to remember and recall information, decreases about twenty to twenty – five percent after a few days. So no matter how well you listen in class, you’re always going to have to refresh your memory before a test! Unfortunately, many people have poor listening habits, and little listening training. To improve your listening skills, it’s important to understand what causes poor listening.


If you find it difficult to concentrate solely on what a speaker is saying, there’s good reason. The mind processes information much faster than a speaker can speak. The brain can process over 500 words per minute, while the average speaker talks as a rate of 124 to 250 words per minute. That means the mind can hear what’s being said and can think about something else at the same time.


If you have a negative idea about the speaker or the topic, you’ll find it difficult to listen attentively. Hostile or captive audiences often have more difficultly listening than do favorable or voluntary ones.


If a speaker speaks “above the heads” of an audience, people find it difficult to concentrate. Speakers who use unfamiliar words or who use incomplete explanations make it more difficult to listen. Speakers who “speak down” to audiences, failing to acknowledge what the audience already knows, also create mental blocks.


When people listen selectively, they simply block out what they don’t want to hear. For instance, many people have habits that are dangerous to their health, like smoking. However, they often choose to block out what a speaker says about health risks. They may listen to a speech and think that the speaker’s message applies to other people, not them. In other words, they hear what they want to hear and ignore what they don’t want to hear.





Surgical teams accidentally leave clamps, sponges and other tools inside about 1,500 patients nationwide each year.

The mistakes largely result not from surgeon tiredness, but from the stress arising from emergencies or complications (并发症) discovered on the operating table, the researchers reported.

The study found that emergency operations are nine times more likely to lead to such mistakes, and operating – room complications requiring a change in procedure are four times more likely.

It also happens more often to fat patients, simply because there is more room inside them to lose equipment, according to the study.

Two – thirds of the mistakes happened even though the equipment was counted before and after the procedure, in keeping with the standard practice.

Most lost objects were sponges, but also included were metal clamps and electrodes. In two cases, 11 – inch retractors (牵开器) metal strips were forgotten inside patients. In another operation, four sponges were left inside someone. When there is significant bleeding and a sponge is placed in a patient, it can sometimes look indistinguishable from the tissue around it.

The lost objects were usually lodged around the abdomen (腹腔) or hips but sometimes in the chest. They often caused tears or infections. Most patients needed additional surgery to remove the object. In other cases, patients were not even aware of the object, and it turned up in later surgery for other problems.

To prevent such mistakes from happening, Loyola University Medical Center is becoming one of the first hospitals in the country to use sponges outfitted with bar codes. The new system was brought to Loyola through the efforts of the hospital’s operating room nurses.

Another effective way is to X – ray patients after surgery to reduce the likelihood of objects being left inside patients.

76.In which of the following situations are objects most likely to be left inside a patient?

    A.The nurses are counting the equipment and the patient is being X – rayed.

    B.The surgeons are doing the last operation of the day, and everyone is exhausted.

    C.A complex operation is going on according to the plan made by many experts.

    D.Something unexpected happens and some changes must be made in the procedure.

77.Which of the following statements is not true?

    A.Such mistakes happen more often to fat patients.

    B.X – ray examination can help to find the lost objects.

    C.The mistake largely results from stress rather than tiredness.

    D.1,500 patients suffer from the mistake all over the world every year.

78.What can we infer from the passage?

    A.Surgical teams aren’t to blame for the mistakes.

    B.Some people never know there is something left inside their body.

    C.Most mistakes happen because equipment isn’t counted after the procedure.

    D.Only some small objects may be left inside the patients.

79.What is the best title for the passage?

    A.Never Trust Anyone               B.Tips for Patient Safety

    C.Carelessness and Mistakes           D.A Mistake in the Operating Room

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A – F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.



   City traffic is a great problem. More cars are produced every year and the streets are getting more and more crowded. So during “rush hour”, when people are going to or from their work, traffic is brought to a standstill. It has been suggested that commuters should share their cars and give each other lifts. So each car would carry four or five people instead of only one. It is an excellent idea; however, so far nobody has been able to think of a way to compel people to do so.

To discourage motorists from leaving their cars on the streets all day, parking meters(计量仪器) are used. When you park at a meter, you must put a coin in the slot. This pays for a certain amount of time. The meter records this and it shows when the time that you have paid for is finished. If the car is still there then, you have to pay a fine.

Traffic wardens look after the meters. They walk around the streets and check that every meter shows that money has been paid for the car parked there. If a meter registers “Time expired”(时间已到), the motorist who has left his car will be fined. Of course, the traffic warden cannot wait for the owner of the car to return. He carries a block of printed forms, and on one of these he writes down all the details, such as the registration number of the car, where it is parked, how much the driver must pay and where he must send the money. He leaves this form on the car where the driver will be able to see it easily. He usually pushes it under one of the windscreen wipers so that it will not blow away. And in case it rains before the motorist returns, the form is put in a little plastic envelope to protect it. When the driver comes back, he gets an unpleasant surprise, but it is his own fault leaving his car too long at a parking meter.

72.The underlined word “standstill” means      .

    A.rush           B.stop           C.adventure       D.struggle

73.Which detail is not written on the printed form?

    A.Registration number of the car.       B.The place where the car is parked.

    C.The name of the car owner.          D.The place to pay the fine.

74.Which is not true about the parking meters?

    A.People can put coins into it.

    B.It keeps a record of the time when drivers park their car.

    C.It shows people when they have to drive away the cars.

    D.It warns the drivers ten minutes before the time limit.

75.What’s the advantage of using parking meters in the streets?

    A.It makes it possible that everyone has a place to park his car.

    B.It discourages motorists from parking cars for too long a time.

    C.It saves labor because traffic wardens are no longer needed.

    D.It keeps a record of time and drivers can put the parking fine into it.



Be the first to visit Pulau Gombak, Singapore’snewest tourist attraction located just 300 km west of Sentosa!
Pulau Gombak offers you pristine coral beaches;rolling hills covered with exotic vegetation and animal life; dense forests previously uninhabited by man;and refreshing rivers of clear, blue water. There is something for everyone on the island!

Thing To Do On The Island

·Scuba – diving to explore the beautiful coral beneath the clear offshore waters.
·Sun – bathing and swimming in the naturally occurring lagoons.
·A slow, guided nature walk through the dense forest to come face to face with the exotic flora and fauna exclusive to Pulau Gombak.
·Indulge in gourmet dishes at the Gombak Inn where
  all the dishes are prepared by chefs from Italy, France and Turkey.
·For the young at heart, there is the Gombak Fire discotheque where you can dance
to your heart’s content for free!
So Come Join Us Now!
Go to your nearest Singa Tour Agency and sign up for one of the following tour packages:
Individual Package: $600 (3 days and 2 nights, inclusive of ferry trip to the island, I buffet dinner meal at the Gombak Inn and a one – time rental of scuba – diving equipment)
Family Package (for 4 or less members): $1,000 (4 days and 3 nights, inclusive of ferry trip to the island, 1 breakfast meal at the Gombak Inn and 1 half – hour guided nature walk in the forest)
For a short promotional period only, we are giving the 5,000 th person who signs up with us before 13 th November $ 50,000 in cash ! So Hurry!

69.People can enjoy the holiday by doing various things on the island except     .

    A.swimming in the naturally occurring lagoons

    B.walking through the dense forest

    C.exploring the coral beneath the clear waters

    D.cooking fresh seafood on the beach

70.How much does the Individual Package cost?

    A.$ 600.         B.$ 500.         C.$ 250.         D.$ 1,000.

71.How can one win the $ 50,000 cash prize?

    A.Sign up with Singa Tour Agency immediately.

    B.One must sign either for the Individual Package or the Family Package.

    C.If one is the 5,000 th person to sign up with Singa Tour Agency before 13 th November.

    D.If one wants to spend a relaxing holiday at Pulau Gombak.


Directions: Read passage A, B, C and D. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


   A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.

“Mister,” he said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.”

“Well,” said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, “these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money.”

The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. “I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?”

“Sure,” said the farmer.

And with that he let out a whistle, “Here, Dolly!” he called.

Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight.

As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this One noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up.

“I want that one,” the little boy said.

The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.”

With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see sir, I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”

The world is full of people who need someone who understands.

65.How did the farmer advertise his puppies?

    A.Make an advertisement in the newspaper.

    B.Put up a sign in his yard.

    C.Show them to his neighbors from door to door.

    D.Send pictures to the local magazine.

66.The underlined words “four little balls of fur” refer to      .

    A.four toy balls                    B.four balls made of fur

    C.four lovely dogs                  D.four puppies with no fur

67.Why did the boy choose the last dog?

    A.Because he didn’t have enough money and it was the cheapest one.

    B.Because they had something in common and could understand each other.

    C.Because he thought the dog was the most lovely one.

    D.Because the farmer wouldn’t sell him the other dogs.

68.According to the story, we know that the boy     .

    A.didn’t like dogs at all               B.needed a dog to help him

    C.could run as fast as others           D.had an artificial leg

