0  168437  168445  168451  168455  168461  168463  168467  168473  168475  168481  168487  168491  168493  168497  168503  168505  168511  168515  168517  168521  168523  168527  168529  168531  168532  168533  168535  168536  168537  168539  168541  168545  168547  168551  168553  168557  168563  168565  168571  168575  168577  168581  168587  168593  168595  168601  168605  168607  168613  168617  168623  168631  447090 

31.I had traveled only two hours when the winds _________ so much that I had to put my

tent up ________ the winds became too strong.

A.were increasing, before             B.increased, when

    C.increased, before                  D.had increased, when


30.I thought I was going to fail the driving test but I succeeded ________.

    A.after all        B.first of all       C.in all          D.at all


29._________ that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment _________ that lightning and electricity are the same.

    A.Realized, showing B.Having realized, to show

    C.Realizing, to show                D.Having realized, showing


28.It’s important for you to be there on time. You _______ be there before 8:00.

  A.may            B.will           C.can           D.should


27.-Does that matter? Can’t you just wear a flower instead?

  -No, I couldn’t do that. ________ else will __________ jewelry.

    A.Everybody, have worn             B.somebody, wearing

    C.Everybody, be wearing             D.anybody, wear


26.In my mind, ________ that famous university will be the only way to become a world-class writer.

    A.attending       B.attended        C.attend         D.having attended


25.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning _________ joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and _________ one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.

    A.as well, arguing   B.as well as, discussing

    C.except, speaking  D.more than, talking 


24.When he was retired and went back home in ________, he was already in _______.

    A.the fifties; his sixty                B.fifties; his sixties

  C.the fifties; his sixties               D.fifty; sixty


23.Our eating habits have changed, ________ has our way of life, and the fuel ______ we need for our body is also different.

    A.as, what        B.so, /           C.so, that        D.as, /


22.-See _______ light in the sky?

  -Yes, it’s moving fast. It must be ______ plane.

    A.a; the          B.the; /          C.the; a          D./; a

