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28.     to overcome the difficulty,he works day and night.

A.Determined                        B.Determining

C.To determine                        D.To be determined


27.He is always      not to do that; but he still goes on doing it all the same.

A.telling           B.being told        C.told             D.to tell


26.At last,we found ourselves in a pleasant park      trees providing shade(荫凉)and sat down to eat our picnic lunch.

A.for             B.from            C.of              D.with


25.They      to come to the meeting on time, but they were late again.

A.meant           B.had meant        C.means           D.have meant


24.The difficulty which we had      with the local people has now been removed.

A.communication   B.to communicate    C.communicated     D.communicating


23.Her      smile suggested that she was very      with the answer.

A.satisfying; satisfied                   B.satisfied; satisfying

C.satisfied; satisfied                     D.satisfying; satisfying


22.--Did he notice you enter the classroom?

--I don’t think so.He      to the radio with his eyes shut.

A.1istened         B.was listening       C.has listened       D.had listened



21.I think it’s impolite to play      trick on others just for      fun.

A.a; \        B.\; a        C.the; \          D.a; a

