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31.From mum’s love ,patience and understanding ,I have learned what a huge responsibility ___ is to raise a child.

    A.it             B.that           C.this           D.one


30.It has been reported that some government leaders    their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

    A.employ         B.abandon        C.abuse          D.overlook


29.The hotel was awful!    ,our room was far too small .Then we found that the shower didn’t work.

    A.To begin with    B.After all        C.In reality       D.As a whole


28.Nobody would stand out admitting the fact ,for some reason,    they lost the game.

    A.that           B.which         C.what          D.why


27.Why do we have to    Sue’s selfish behavior? We should teach her to care for others.

    A.get rid of       B.put up with      C.make up for     D.split up


26.-Can children swim in this pool?

    -Yes. However ,at no time   they do so alone.

    A.may           B.need           C.could          D.should


25.Living in a highly     society, you definitely have to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible.

    A.tolerant        B.permanent      C.favorable       D.competitive


24.Believe it or not ,in the United States ,40 percent of the toys   are designed for adults.

    A.sold           B.selling         C.to sell          D.to be selling


23.I don’t understand why you   your mind constantly! We haven’t been able to decide where to spend our holiday ,you know?

    A.change         B.will change      C.are changing     D.have changed


22.Bungee jumping is an adventurous sport, popular with young adults,    courage matters more than strength.

    A.whose         B.that           C.which         D.where

