0  168461  168469  168475  168479  168485  168487  168491  168497  168499  168505  168511  168515  168517  168521  168527  168529  168535  168539  168541  168545  168547  168551  168553  168555  168556  168557  168559  168560  168561  168563  168565  168569  168571  168575  168577  168581  168587  168589  168595  168599  168601  168605  168611  168617  168619  168625  168629  168631  168637  168641  168647  168655  447090 

35.-Are you used to your new job?

-Well, yes. It’s not as good as I expected,     .

    A.though         B.but            C.too          D.either


34.    is often the case ,my mother has the final say in the argument.

    A.It             B.That           C.What          D.As


33.The central government is taking measures to    the prices of daily necessities.

    A.put down       B.turn down      C.bring down      D.take down


32.These shoes don’t    any more. I’ve grown out of them.

    A.match         B.suit           C.fit            D.wear

