0  168463  168471  168477  168481  168487  168489  168493  168499  168501  168507  168513  168517  168519  168523  168529  168531  168537  168541  168543  168547  168549  168553  168555  168557  168558  168559  168561  168562  168563  168565  168567  168571  168573  168577  168579  168583  168589  168591  168597  168601  168603  168607  168613  168619  168621  168627  168631  168633  168639  168643  168649  168657  447090 

35.When he joined them in the work, he was disappointed at there      so little to do.

    A.being          B.were          C.having         D.had


34.-I bought the dress at half the      price.

-Well, it’s really a bargain.

    A.common       B.normal         C.ordinary        D.formal


33.      the two are only days apart in age, they seem to belong to wholly different generations.

    A.While          B.When          C.As            D.Since


32.They are just college graduates and don’t realize      to start and run a company.

    A.what takes it     B.what they take   C.what takes them  D.what it takes


31.As a result of the heavy snow, the airport has been closed up until further      .

    A.news          B.information      C.notice         D.message


30.-Is Danny going abroad?

-I think so. He      for a better job, but out of luck.

    A.hopes          B.hoped          C.was hoping      D.has hoped


29.-If only there were no examinations!

-      We all need more rest.

    A.Why do you think so?              B.For what?

    C.I could agree more.                D.You can say that again.


28.-My goodness! You      wear slippers at work!

-I’m sorry I forgot to change them for fear of being late.

    A.must          B.can           C.should         D.may


27.The further falling of the stock market as reported today has      a fresh wave of selling.

    A.given off       B.set off         C.put off         D.got off

