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32.___________ on the MSN, some people often use '88' for 'good-bye'.

A.When chat                     B.When chatting              

C.When chatted                  D.When to chat


31.--- How shall we spend the weekend?

   --- If you __________ a day trip to the coast, the pleasant seaside town of Brighton is only 20 miles away.

  --- That's wonderful! Let s go there.

A.will like taking  B.will like to take                 

C.feel tike taking                   D.feel like to take


30.____________ understanding the challenges faced by the world's poorest people can we expect a new future free of extreme poverty and hunger.

A.On       B.Through    C.Only          D.Only by


29.On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_________.

A.permits     B.permit       C.permitting       D.permitted


28.The engine of 'the bus was out of order and the bad weather ________ the worries of the passengers.

A.added up     B.added to      C.resulted from    D.made of


27.____________ of the people on the net China's economy is among the strongest in the world.

A.Four-fifth; believes             B.Four-fifth; believe

C.Four-fifths; believe             D.Four-fifths; believes


26.--- Sorry to interrupt you. Please go on.

   --- Where was I?

   --- You ________ you didn't like going to college in Hongkong.

A.had been saying                  B.had said     

C.said                         D.were saying


25.--- Have you got the results of the final exam?

   --- Not yet. It will be a few days _________ we know the full results,

A.before     B.after         C.until         D.when


24.The local government in Shenzhen has recently passed a new regulation forbidding supermarkets and stores to _________ free plastic bags to shoppers, in a bid to protect the environment.

A.give off      B.give in        C.give up         D.give out


23.Chances are high__________ China and Russia will make an agreement to build an oil pipeline.

A.when        B.where      C.that         D.which

