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30.-The news upset many people that the CPI climbed to 6.9 percent in November.

-Yes. It is the fourth time that the CPI     above 6 percent.

    A.was            B.had been        C.is            D.has been


29.    both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region.

    A.Only if          B.Unless          C.If only        D.As long as


28.-Have you heard the news that the May Day “golden week” holiday will be cancelled?

-Yes, actually I got it on TV last night. I    TV for almost one week.

    A.haven’t watched   B.didn’t watch      C.hadn’t watched  D.don’t watch


27.-4000 gold, silver and pottery artifacts were found.

-When was     exactly?

    -It was on December 22, 2007    the Nanhai No. 1, the sunken ship, was raised from the seabed.

    A.it; that          B.one; when       C.that; that       D.it; when


26.When winter comes,     spring be far behind?

    A.must           B.can            C.should        D.will


25.China is now the world’s top apple grower,     nearly half of the entire global harvest.

    A.accounting for    B.longing for       C.standing for    D.wishing for


24.Based on the Chinese character ren,     people or a person, Haibao, the mascot of the 2010Shanghai World Expo, represents si hai zhi bao or the treasure of the four seas.

    A.to mean         B.having meant     C.meant         D.meaning


23.The hours     the children spend in their one – way relationship with television undoubtedly affect their relationships with real – life people.

    A.in which        B.on which        C.when         D.that


22.-I’m sorry for stepping on your foot.

-     .

    A.That’s all right                     B.No, it’s my fault

    C.You didn’t hurt me at all              D.You have it too


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.Ukraine’s people elects Yulia Tymoshenko as     prime minister,     step that could accelerate the nation’s push to become close to the west.

    A.the; a           B./; a            C.the; the        D./; the

