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35.-Does Bill do his new job well?

-    his old job. I’m afraid there’s no hope for him.

    A.Not better than                    B.No better than

    C.Not so well as                     D.Not as well as


34.Mr. Smith said that it was unreasonable to set the limit of personal income tax at 1600 yuan in all the cities in China,    ?

    A.was it          B.didn’t he        C.wasn’t it       D.did he


33.I wonder why you won’t do it as    You’ve made the same mistake for many times.

    A.told to          B.be told          C.told you       D.you told


32.The old man said that he would    more people who would not have too much work to do in the week to come to do the construction work.

    A.let             B.promise         C.get           D.force


31.I    you to go sight – seeing in Hainan, but I was occupied then.

    A.had taken                        B.would take

    C.would like to have taken              D.took

