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35.- What will you ask the famous star at tomorrow’s interview?               ( )


    A.Let’s get going                   B.It’s up to you

    C.The usual stuff                   D.I’m with you on that


34.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him   .    ( )

    A.not to          B.not to do       C.not do it        D.do not do


33.- Mom must have been very pleased with what we did yesterday.

    -   it!  She got rather angry,in fact!                            ( )

    A.Instead of       B.Far from       C.In spite of      D.Rather than


32.The new book that he is working on will    next month.               ( )

    A.come on        B.come across     C.come about     D.come out


31.China and New Zealand agreed to    the process of making a free-trade agreement on Monday.                         ( )

    A.increase        B.accelerate       C.add           D.improve


30.As parents,they like to see their children   ,get married,and have kids.  ( )

    A.break down     B.get down       C.settle down      D.set down


29.It was only when I was at home    she came to see me.               ( )

    A.that           B.since          C.before         D.which


28.John stood there    nothing,a cold expression on his face.            ( )

    A.say           B.to say          C.saying         D.and saying


27.Unless    to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.         ( )

    A.invited         B.inviting         C.being invited     D.having invited


26.He gave her some roses    for her kindness.                       ( )

    A.in nature        B.in return        C.in turn         D.in fact

