0  168522  168530  168536  168540  168546  168548  168552  168558  168560  168566  168572  168576  168578  168582  168588  168590  168596  168600  168602  168606  168608  168612  168614  168616  168617  168618  168620  168621  168622  168624  168626  168630  168632  168636  168638  168642  168648  168650  168656  168660  168662  168666  168672  168678  168680  168686  168690  168692  168698  168702  168708  168716  447090 

22.-Canada is    colder than China.

    -Are you joking ? It’s    colder!

    A.a little ;more     B.little ;more      C.a little; much     D.little; much


第一节  单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:It’s nice to hear from her again.   , we last met more than thirty years ago.

    A.What’s more     B.That’s to say.    C.In other words.   D.Believe it or not


21.I didn’t expect to receive a postcard from you! It’s really    my wildest imagination!

    A.behind         B.beyond         C.except         D.through










According to the survey, nowadays many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally.                                     


第三节:补全短文  用恰当的词语填空,(每小题0.5分,满分5分)


When you happened to meet a fire, don't be  86   Here are the surviving skills for you to


Firstly, you should calm yourself  87   when facing a fire. Do not waste time saving your property, However,  88   an effort to find the way out.

Secondly, you should keep it in mind that you shouldn't take a  89  , but stairs, or you will be  90  in the fire.

And next if you have some trouble  91  , try to find a wet towel to cover your mouth.In this way you can't get choked.

   92  , remember a thing: once you are out, just stay out.  93   go back into a  94 building for any reason. 95   the fire department using the 119 system or proper local emergency number in your area.


第二节:句子填词  根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列单词拼写(每小题0.5分,满分5分)


76.I have to constantly rub my eyes to r    myself that I have traveled to the year AD 3005.

77.English speakers have also borrowed from Chinese poems.A lot of Tang poetry has been t    into English.

78.If your skin gets burned, it can be serious, so first aid is a very important first step in the t   of bums.

79.The problem of " greenhouse effect" begins when we add huge q    of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.

80.If you become a     to cigarettes, your body gets accustomed to have nicotine in it and when the drug leaves your body, you will feel very bad.

81.England is the largest of the four countries and for       (方便)it is divided roughly into three zones.

82.Having studied volcanoes for more than twenty years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their      (潜能)to cause great damage.

83.John Snow got interested in two theories,  the second of which suggested that people       (吸收)this disease into their body with their meals.

84.While interviewing someone, you have to listen to the detailed facts.      (同时) you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.

85.In the Renaissance, rich people paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and other        (财产), as well as their activities and achievements.

