0  168526  168534  168540  168544  168550  168552  168556  168562  168564  168570  168576  168580  168582  168586  168592  168594  168600  168604  168606  168610  168612  168616  168618  168620  168621  168622  168624  168625  168626  168628  168630  168634  168636  168640  168642  168646  168652  168654  168660  168664  168666  168670  168676  168682  168684  168690  168694  168696  168702  168706  168712  168720  447090 

35.Most stores say that they daren’t       prices      for fear of losing their customers.

    A.put ; up        B.set ; up         C.make ; up       D.turn ; up


34.-Where did you get to know the professor over there?

   -It was at the workshop       we did research together two years ago.

    A.that           B.there          C.which         D.where


33.Failure is never pleasurable , but it can make a positive contribution to your life      you learn to use it.

    A.since          B.once          C.until           D.unless


32.-It was a red light, William. You      the car.

   -Sorry. I didn’t see it.

    A.must stop                      B.should stop

    C.must have stopped                D.should have stopped


31.-I am not going to play football this year, Mum.

    -That’s music to my ears. I was so afraid you       .

    A.will be hurt      B.would get hurt    C.had got hurt     D.were hurt


30.There are a few spelling mistakes;      , it’s quite a good essay.

    A.all in all        B.above all        C.if so           D.even so


29.Early this year cruel snowstorms hit southern China,      great transportation problems in some areas.

    A.causing        B.caused         C.to cause        D.having caused


28.-I didn’t do well in the exam yesterday. Of course I       for it.

    -Oh , you poor thing! But I think you should learn a lesson.

A.hadn’t studied    B.haven’t studied   C.wasn’t studying  D.wouldn’t study

