0  168530  168538  168544  168548  168554  168556  168560  168566  168568  168574  168580  168584  168586  168590  168596  168598  168604  168608  168610  168614  168616  168620  168622  168624  168625  168626  168628  168629  168630  168632  168634  168638  168640  168644  168646  168650  168656  168658  168664  168668  168670  168674  168680  168686  168688  168694  168698  168700  168706  168710  168716  168724  447090 

27.The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, ________ best suited for expressing joy.(   )

   A.is those        B.are these        C.are those        D.is that


26.The world's highest wheel will be completed in 2009 in Beijing. Each of the 48 observation capsules can ________ 40 people.                                  (   )

   A.sit            B.fit            C.limit           D.carry


25.The Chang'e Project not only displays ________ rapid development of our country but will encourage young people to consider careers in ________ space exploration.     (   )

   A.the; the         B.不填; a     C.a; 不填        D.the; 不填


24.________ their studies in China, they've traveled to some cities and talked with the local people.              (   )

   A.According to     B.Apart from      C.In terms of      D.Regardless of


23.Beijing will have a top first-aid system for the 2008 Olympics. No one will wait ________ 10 minutes for an ambulance.                                   (   )

   A.no more than     B.less than       C.as much as      D.more than


22.The boy's father thinks China will play an important role in tomorrow's world. That's ________ he has sent him to China.                                  (   )

   A.because        B.why           C.how           D.that


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.-- Would you like to have some ice-cream, Mary ?                      (   )

   -- ________. I'm on a diet.

A.Thank you, and I like it.            B.I'd better not, but I want some.

   C.How delicious, but I don't like it.      D.I wish I could, but I can't.





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