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15.The moon    , the couple used to take a walk in the campus after supper.

    A.had risen       B.was rising       C.having risen     D.rose


14.The little time we have together we try    enjoying ourselves.

    A.saving         B.to spend        C.to waste        D.sparing


13.There was a power-cut    we were watching our favorite TV program.

    A.as            B.after           C.before         D.since


12.John was one of the top students is our class, but believe it or not, he    passed the English exam last term.

    A.easily          B.actually        C.successfully     D.barely


11.-I’m to leave my job in a few days.

-But I don’t think you can do that till you    another job.

    A.will find        B.will have found   C.have found      D.would find


9.When you saw Jack at the dance, what did he    ?

    A.put on         B.wear          C.dress          D.have on

10.We’ll get there on time if the car    on the way.

    A.doesn’t break down               B.isn’t broken down

    C.won’t break down                                D.won’t be broken down


8.It would be silly,    mad, to buy a house now. Don’t you know the price is falling?

    A.let alone        B.not to mention    C.not to say       D.much more


7.Is    happiness of the majority more important than    rights of the individual?

    A.the; the        B.不填; the       C.the; a          D.不填; a


6.It is a school rule that all the students     wear a uniform, though they dislike that.

    A.ought to        B.have to         C.need          D.can



    A.grammar       B.carry          C.farmland       D.quarter

第二节 语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


