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The annual marathon usually occurred during a heat wave. My job was to  2l  behind the runners in an ambulance  22  any of them needed medical attention. The driver and I were in an air-conditioned ambulance behind approximately one hundred athletes  23  to hear the sharp crack of the starting gun.

"We are supposed to stay behind the  24   runner,so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as we began to creep forward.

"Let’s  25   hope all the runners are safe!” he laughed.

As they began to pace themselves,the front runners started to  26  . It was then that my  27   were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a baggy white T-shirt.

"Doug, look!”

We knew we were already watching our “last runner". Her feet were turned in,yet her left knee was turned out. Her legs were so crippled and   28   that it seemed impossible for her to be able to walk,let alone run a marathon.

Doug and I watched in   29   as she slowly moved forwarD.We didn’t say a thing. We would move forward a little bit,then stop and wait for her to  30   some distance. Then we'd slowly move forward a little bit more.

Finally,she was the  31   runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face as I sat on the edge of my seat and watched with awe, amazement and even reverence(敬意)as she  32   forward with sheer determination through the last miles.

When the  33   line came into sight, trash(垃圾)lay everywhere and the  34  crowds had long gone home.  35  ,standing straight and ever so proud waited a man. He was  36   one end of a ribbon(带子)of crepe paper tied to a post.   37  slowly crossed through,leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.

I do not  38   this woman’s name,but that day she became a part of my life---a part I often depend on. For her,it wasn't about  39   the other runners or winning a trophy(奖品),it was about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter  40   . When I think things are too difficult or too time-consuming,I get those "I-just-can't-do-it",I think of the last runner. Then I realize how easy the task before me really is.

21.A.interview    B.watch       C.follow       D.fall

22.A.when     B.even if       C.because     D.in case

23.A.searching     B.hoping       C.wishing       D.waiting

24.A.slow       B.last         C.wounded       D.helpless

25.A.Just      B.ever        C.still         D.however

26.A.run        B.miss        C.disappear      D.lose

27.A.attention      B.mind       C.sights       D.eyes

28.A.bent       B.hurt        C.soft      D.painful

29.A.happiness      B.silence        C.disappointment  D.hope

30.A.keep       B.make        C.gain      D.shorten

31.A.single       B.only        C.last        D.careful

32.A.pushed       B.fought       C.pulled       D.jumped

33.A.close       B.end         C.match     D.finish

34.A.seeing       B.cheering       C.standing      D.interesting

35.A.Yet         B.But         C.Thus      D.Therefore

36.A.catching      B.handing       C.holding       D.bringing

37.A.He        B.I          C.They      D.She

38.A.remember     B.know        C.understand      D.forget

39.A.winning    B.competing     C.beating       D.fighting

40.A.what       B.where       C.when         D.why


20.Did _________ on time make her teacher angry

   A.not to come                     B.her not to come   

   C.her not coming                   D.not her coming


19.    achievement, last week’s conference here earned a low, though not failing, grade.

   A.For the sake                    B.In case of        

   C.In terms of                      D.On account of


18.–I was so sure that our experiment was going to succeed, but something went wrong at the last moment.

   --    , but don’t give it up.

    A.You don’t mean that               B.Failure is the mother of success

  C.I’m sorry to hear that             D.Never mind


17.I like traveling. I     to Belgium five months ago, but I     anywhere ever since.

A.went; haven’t gone                B.went; didn’t go 

C.have been; don’t go                D.had been; haven’t gone


16.Shall we     our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?

    A.break out       B.break down      C.break into       D.break off

