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32.--- What did you think of her oral English?                              ( )

--- I was very ______.

    A.impressed       B.inspired        C.addictive         D.admirable


31.He had his camera ready, ______ he saw something that would make a good picture.    ( )

    A.in case         B.the moment     C.on condition       D.as if


30.I often think ______ my own business.                                ( )

    A.to start         B.starting         C.about starting      D.I start


29.Of all the subjects in arts he disliked English most, ______ he never learned well.   ( )

    A.which         B.and           C.because          D.so


28.The reporters stayed in Xichang ______ the launch of Chang’e-1 was declared successful.

( )

    A.because        B.until           C.where           D.though


27.You see, trains are faster nowadays. That’s why he ______ much earlier than I’d expected.

( )

    A.has arrived      B.would arrive     C. had arrived         D. arrived


26.--- Perhaps we could invite some of our junior school friends to our party.        ( )

   --- ______

    A.Yes, why not?    B.Sure, no problem. C.Oh, never mind.    D.Well, go ahead.


25.This intelligent house is very comfortable ______.                         ( )

    A.living in        B.to live in it      C.to be lived in     D.to live in


24.I have decided to recommend you ______ the directorship.                  ( )

    A.to            B.for            C.with           D.by


23.Now, ______ were we? Oh yes, we were talking about John.                 ( )

    A.how           B.where         C.what          D.who

