0  168576  168584  168590  168594  168600  168602  168606  168612  168614  168620  168626  168630  168632  168636  168642  168644  168650  168654  168656  168660  168662  168666  168668  168670  168671  168672  168674  168675  168676  168678  168680  168684  168686  168690  168692  168696  168702  168704  168710  168714  168716  168720  168726  168732  168734  168740  168744  168746  168752  168756  168762  168770  447090 

12.What’s really needed, according to most researchers in this field, ________ a "killer" application particularly suited for the way DNA computing solves problems.

A.being            B.are              C.is               D.was


11.In May l999, the Backstreet Boys, sold l, l33, 505 copies of their latest album in its first week in release, _________ it the most albums sold in a week, ever since Sound-Scan began recording sales figures.

A.to make          B.making           C.that makes        D.made


10.--- How are you managing to do your work with an assistant?

--- Well, I ______ somehow .

A.get along      B.come on          C.watch out         D.set off


9.---Your job ______ open for your return .

--- Thanks.

A.will be kept         B.will keep          C.had kept          D.had been kept


8.______ through the desert, they came out into the Salt Lake Valley, ______ looked beautiful.

A.Pass; which        B.Passed; that        C.To pass; in which   D.Passing; which


7.---We’d like you to start work tomorrow if possible.

---I’m sorry , but I can’t possibly start until Monday .________ ?

A.Will that be all right             B.Do you agree with me

C.Is that a good idea       D.Do you think I’m right


6.If you want to get help from others, you should try to get your idea ______.

A.clearly            B.crossed          C.across           D.understand


5.We ______ in this modern school for many years, but we have never regretted our final decision to go to the western part of China to help the poor children there.

A.worked           B.was working      C.have worked      D.had worked


4.--- Is Bob still working in Scrooge’s office?

---I’m afraid not.He is said ______ his position already as he has been fired.

A.to have left         B.to leave           C.to have been left    D.to be left


3.This new method of mining for opals is very popular in Australia because it calls for ______ equipment than the ________ one.

A.less; elder         B.fewer; older        C.fewer; elder        D.less; older

