0  168582  168590  168596  168600  168606  168608  168612  168618  168620  168626  168632  168636  168638  168642  168648  168650  168656  168660  168662  168666  168668  168672  168674  168676  168677  168678  168680  168681  168682  168684  168686  168690  168692  168696  168698  168702  168708  168710  168716  168720  168722  168726  168732  168738  168740  168746  168750  168752  168758  168762  168768  168776  447090 

29.Lots of families once suffering poverty are now living in      comfort and some of them are even very wealthy now.

    A.competitive      B.conservative     C.comparative     D.comprehensive


28.--- Time is limited. I have to finish this tonight.

   --- But it’s midnight now and you should have a sleep      much work you have to do.

    A.however        B.no matter       C.although        D.whatever


27.His sudden       of violent anger put an unpleasant end to the meeting.

    A.break          B.burst          C.attack         D.express


26.--- Wow! It snowed last night. What a nice world!

   --- You’re right. But it’s more difficult to find my missing keys with snow    the ground.

    A.covered        B.cover          C.to cover        D.covering


25.In the past five years, the sale of the software has      a profit of nearly 20 million dollars.

    A.picked up       B.taken in        C.drawn on       D.brought in


24.What I’m writing is a report on     the price of rice is still rising in the world market.

    A.whether        B.why           C.how           D.when


23.--- Oh, come on. Just     . I’m very busy now!

   --- Ok. To tell the truth, I need your help with my paper.

    A.come to the point                 B.take your time

    C.take your turn                   D.don’t hesitate


22.--- We still have two seats free here. Which one do you like?

   ---     ! My parents will come in a minute.

    A.None          B.Neither         C.Both          D.Either




21.--- There was once    time     the farmers suffered a lot.

   --- Yes. They had to leave their land and find new jobs to earn a living.

    A.a; which        B.a; when        C.the; that        D.the; then

