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火炬传递-torch relay            火炬手-torchbearer















35.--- I got upset yesterday just because you didn’t hand in your article on time.

   --- Forgive me, please. Ten more minutes, I     it to you.

    A.must have taken                  B.should take

    C.would have taken                 D.had taken


34.We drove to the airport to meet an expert from Germany, about 50 years old, his hair     .

    A.was completely grey               B.be completely grey

    C.to be completely grey              D.completely grey


33.--- The singer together with her band       invited to the concert? Did you enjoy that part?

   --- No, no sooner     than they sang their top hit Oh My Baby.

    A.was; I had left                   B.were; I have gone

    C.was; had I left                   D.were; did I leave


32.Smoking has been      in more and more public places, which was once just in places like gas stations.

    A.preserved       B.prohibited       C.ignored        D.tolerated


31.The problem of global warming is serious.      , the sea levels have risen a little.

    A.As a consequence                                B.On the contrary

    C.In a nutshell                     D.In other words


30.--- Which hotel did you stay in last week?

   --- Well, just the one     I think you once met Ge You and his family.

    A.that           B.which         C.as            D.where

