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I went into a favorite restaurant one evening to have my meal. Iknew the owner very well. While I was waiting for the soup to arrive, I looked  36  to see if I know anyone in the restaurant. It was then that I noticed that a man sitting at a corner table  37 watching in my direction, 38 he knew me. The man had a newspaper 39 in front of him, which he was pretending to read, though all the while I could see that he was keeping an eye on 40 . When the waiter brought the soup, the man was clearly puzzled by the familiar way in which the waiter and I talked to 41 . He became more puzzled as time went on 42 it grew more and more obvious that I was well 43 in the restaurant. In the end he got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he came 44 again, paid his bill and left without 45 look in my direction.

When I finished and was 46 to pay my bill, I called the owner of the restaurant over and asked him 47 the man had wanted. The owner at 48 did not want to tell me. I insisted. “Well ,”he said, “ that man is a detective .” “49?” I said, much surprised. “He followed you here because he 50 you were the man he was looking for,” the owner said. “He showed me a photograph of the 51 man. He certainly looked 52 you! Of course since we know you here, I was able to make him 53 that he had made a mistake.” “It’s 54 I came to a restaurant where I’m known,” I said, “otherwise I 55 have been taken to the police station!”

36. A. down         B. up            C. behind       D. around


15. No one can be sure ____ in a million years .

  A. what man will look like           B. what will man look like

  C. man will look like what           D. what look will man like


14. The police ____ the crowd in case anything happened.

  A. held back       B. held up        C. kept down         D. kept from


13. Now you can see we’ve come to the point ____ a change is badly needed.

  A. which         B. when         C. what         D. where


12. In the dark street, there was not a single person ___ she could turn for help.

  A. one of which    B. one of whom   C. one of them    D. one of who


11. I shall never forget the day ____ Shen Zhou V was launched; _____ has a great effect on my life.

A. when; which    B. that; which     C. which; that     D. when; that


10. It seems that we have no choice _____ here.

  A. but to wait   B. but wait       C. but waiting        D. except waiting


9. Little Jim would love ____ to the theatre this evening.

  A. to be taken   B. to take        C. being taken        D. taking


8. Charles Babbage is generally considered _____ the first computer.

  A. to invent     B. inventing       C. to have invented     D. having invented


7. You must have your baggage____ at the airport, before you check in.

A. examined    B. checked       C. tested                D. looked into

