0  168617  168625  168631  168635  168641  168643  168647  168653  168655  168661  168667  168671  168673  168677  168683  168685  168691  168695  168697  168701  168703  168707  168709  168711  168712  168713  168715  168716  168717  168719  168721  168725  168727  168731  168733  168737  168743  168745  168751  168755  168757  168761  168767  168773  168775  168781  168785  168787  168793  168797  168803  168811  447090 

35.---Why did John ask me about the problem?

  ---________, he tried to find a better way to settle it.

  A. Not to be satisfied      B. Don’t satisfy

C. Not being satisfied      D. Not satisfied


34. In no country ________ Britain, it has been said, _________ experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

  A. other than, can one     B. rather than, one can 

C. more than, can one     D. better than, one can


33. Children are___________ with their studies because they are expected to do far better than they can.

  A. caught up    B. given up   C. fed up   D. put up


32. Young lovers shouldn’t live too_________ so as to__________ some money for their future marriage.

  A. waste, draw on        B. high, set aside

C. rich, put away        D. well, put aside


31. The Olympic Games are being___________ live to many countries.

  A. conveyed     B. transmitted    C. transferred   D. demonstrated


30. There was a sense of _________ when She Xianglin, who was wrongly sentenced to 11 years in prison, was given 200,000 yuan as a compensation.

A. urgency       B. security           C. achievement       D. relief

