0  168619  168627  168633  168637  168643  168645  168649  168655  168657  168663  168669  168673  168675  168679  168685  168687  168693  168697  168699  168703  168705  168709  168711  168713  168714  168715  168717  168718  168719  168721  168723  168727  168729  168733  168735  168739  168745  168747  168753  168757  168759  168763  168769  168775  168777  168783  168787  168789  168795  168799  168805  168813  447090 

35.We had wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quite ________ as planned.

    A.make out       B.turn out        C.go on         D.come out


34.But for the leadership of our Party and our Government, we __________ these splendid results.

     A.have achieved                B.shouldn’t have achieved

     C.should have achieved             D.would achieve 


33.Not only ______ interested in the football but _______ beginning to show an interest in it.

     A.the teacher himself is; all his students are;

     B.the teacher himself is; are all his students;

     C.is the teacher himself; are all his students;

     D.is the teacher himself; all his students are;


32.Which do you enjoy_______ your spare time, reading or playing chess?

    A.to spend      B.spend        C.spending      D.being spent


31.Books are the most important records we keep_______ man’s thoughts, ideas and feelings.

     A.for          B.up          C.on         D.of


30.After_______ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to have the job interview.

     A.that          B.what         C.which        D.who


29.---Can I pay the bill by check?

   ---Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment _____be made in cash.

     A.need         B.will          C.shall        D.can


28.Playing video games can make children aggressive and ________ attention disorders. So children who play video games a lot seem to have more trouble in school.

    A.contribute to                     B.result from  

    C.lie in                          D.come about


27.It is rather difficult to make friends with her, but her friendship, _______, is truer than any other’s.

     A.while gaining     B.after gaining    C.when to gain     D.once gained


26.---If our parents would listen more to us, they would understand us better.

  ---___________.They just expect us to listen.

    A.I believe not.                    B.No problem.    

    C.I can’t agree more.               D.Good idea.

