0  168627  168635  168641  168645  168651  168653  168657  168663  168665  168671  168677  168681  168683  168687  168693  168695  168701  168705  168707  168711  168713  168717  168719  168721  168722  168723  168725  168726  168727  168729  168731  168735  168737  168741  168743  168747  168753  168755  168761  168765  168767  168771  168777  168783  168785  168791  168795  168797  168803  168807  168813  168821  447090 

29.With frequent storm disasters affecting all ________ of human life, it is evident that global warming becomes a big threat to mankind.                                          

    A.results       B.approaches        C.methods         D.aspects


28.She is , how shall I _______ it ,not fat, but rather well-built for her age.        

    A.make        B.put             C.see             D.suggest


27.Many football fans attached great importance to the  two matches, because China needed to beat Iran to ensure _______ for the Asian Cup semi-finals.                                 

    A.outcome      B.conservation       C.qualification       D.occupation


26.Having been told ______ where he lived, I had no difficulty in finding Peter’s house.    A.exactly   B.relatively    C.appropriately   D.approximately


25.-Hello, this is Frank speaking. Is Miss Smith in?                        

-Sorry, sir, but she is on the phone at the moment. Do you want to ______ until she finishes or will you ring back later?                                 

    A.go on        B.keep on          C.carry on         D.hold on


24.The way teachers treat the students will ______ affect their growing up in the future.   A.especially  B.extremely    C.peacefully     D.vitally


23.Now that they have not done anything     about the situation, it shows no evidence to

return to normal.

    A.effective      B.attractive         C.creative          D.sensitive


22.The building project will be      by the government and by public collection.

    A.completed     B.provided         C.financed         D.supposed




21.We have completely different     for TV programs. He likes NBA while I like MTV.

    A.shares        B.tastes            C.smells           D.manners

