0  168633  168641  168647  168651  168657  168659  168663  168669  168671  168677  168683  168687  168689  168693  168699  168701  168707  168711  168713  168717  168719  168723  168725  168727  168728  168729  168731  168732  168733  168735  168737  168741  168743  168747  168749  168753  168759  168761  168767  168771  168773  168777  168783  168789  168791  168797  168801  168803  168809  168813  168819  168827  447090 

34.I’m so glad to see you back, Lucy. How long     at your grandma’s ?

    A.had you stayed                   B.did you stay

    C.have you stayed                  D.would you stay


33.Problems relating to people’s livelihood(民生)have been the focus of the government, especially      Premier Wen Jiabao included them in his government work report last year.

    A.when          B.if             C.since          D.until


32.-I’m afraid these flowers won’t be able to live through the winter.

-But I think otherwise. You see, measures      to take good care of them.

    A.have taken                      B.had been taken

    C.will take                        D.are being taken


31.Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes,    people will buy books and newspapers.

    A.more and more                   B.any the less

    C.more or less                     D.fewer and fewer


30.So far, about 40 houses have fallen down under the weight of the snow, with 22 people     .

    A.reported injured                  B.reported injuring

    C.reporting injured                  D.reporting injuring


29.With the prices going up every day, 300 yuan a month can hardly cover his     of living.

    A.standard        B.cost           C.price          D.salary


28.There is no experience you can have     is more exciting than skating on real ice.

    A.of which       B.what          C.that           D.with whom


27.On the chairs     , who had come to Dalian looking for jobs.

    A.three young men sat               B.sat three young men

    C.did three young men sit             D.three young men sitting


26.The young man didn’t mean to     the house. He stole into it and made a fire only to get warm.

    A.pull down       B.lay down       C.burn down      D.turn down


25.-Where are we to hold the conversation?

-We’ll go to a quiet place and no one     disturb us.

    A.should         B.could          C.must          D.shall

