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Life is often like a game of cards --- you can’t help the hand you’re dealt, but you can help the way you play it .It’s easy for us to do something without careful thinking , but it’s hard for us to take back what we have done.

There was once  21   who repeated a bit rumor(谣言) about a neighbor .Within a few days the whole community  22   the story .The person it concerned was deeply  23   and annoyed . Later , the woman responsible for  24   the rumor learned that it was completely   25  . She was very sorry and went to a  26   old man to find out what she could do  27   the damage .

“Go to the marketplace ,”he said , “and  28   a chicken , and have it  29   . Then on your way home , pluck its feathers and drop them  30   along the road . ”  31   surprised by this advice , the woman did  32   she was told .

The next day the wise man said, “Now, go and collect all those  33   you dropped  yesterday and  34   them back to me .”

The woman  35   the same road , but to her disappointment, the wind  36   all the feathers away .After searching for  37  , she returned with only three in her hand.” You see ,”said the old man ,”it’s easy to drop them,  38   it’s impossible to get them back .So it is with rumor.  39   doesn’t take much to spread a rumor, but  40   you do, you can never completely make up for the wrong.”

21.A.a wise man     B.a man         C.a woman       D.a chicken

22.A.knew        B.found         C.realized       D.recognised

23.A.wounded       B.hurt          C.injured        D.attacked

24.A.collecting      B.sparing         C.spreading      D.sharing

25.A.polite        B.untrue         C.suitable       D.illegal

26.A.wise        B.suitable         C.stupid        D.noble

27.A.ruin        B.to ruin         C.repair        D.to repair

28.A.provide       B.charge         C.bargain         D.buy

29.A.bought         B.dropped       C.killed          D.flown

30.A.one by one      B.all in all        C.day by day      D.step by step

31.A.As           B.Although        C.Despite         D.Instead

32.A.that           B.like            C.what          D.which

33.A.feathers        B.chickens       C.action         D.rumors

34.A.bring         B.keep          C.hold          D.break

35.A.copied         B.followed        C.had          D.instructed

36.A.blew          B.should blow     C.had blown       D.blown

37.A.days           B.times         C.hours         D.periods

38.A.but            B.so            C.and           D.thus

39.A.He           B.This          C.That          D.It

40.A.unless         B.once          C.until          D.whether


20.-The last one ________ sings a song .


    A.arrived        B.to arrive       C.arrives        D.arriving


19.With the problem solved, Tom ________ worry about it any longer .

    A.should need                     B.did not need to 

    C.had to need                     D.could not need


18.Anyone who wished to succeed should be brave, ______, they won’t make a difference in their life .

    A.although        B.while         C.however       D.otherwise


17.I wrote a letter of complaint , and the airline has promised to _______  the matter .

    A.look through     B.look into       C.look at        D.look for


16.-He got the first place in the test !

  -Not _______ , he is the most hard–working student in our class .

    A.surprisingly      B.truly          C.completely      D.gradually


15.If you don’t _______ at first , you may try again .

     A.succeed       B.disappoint       C.wonder        D.develop


14.You’d better take some clothes with you _______ a sudden change of weather .

    A.in favour of      B.in honour of    C.in case of      D.in memory of


13.-If you need help , please don’t hesitate to ask .

   -Ok. If I do , I’ll ______ you for help .

    A.depend on      B.turn to        C.ask for        D.look for

