0  168639  168647  168653  168657  168663  168665  168669  168675  168677  168683  168689  168693  168695  168699  168705  168707  168713  168717  168719  168723  168725  168729  168731  168733  168734  168735  168737  168738  168739  168741  168743  168747  168749  168753  168755  168759  168765  168767  168773  168777  168779  168783  168789  168795  168797  168803  168807  168809  168815  168819  168825  168833  447090 

20. It was _______ she was injured in the accident_______she didn't come to the party yesterday.

   A. as; which     B. because; that    C. since; why    D. for; how


19. –Why didn’t she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a skirt?

 –Oh, she was very ________ about her clothes.

A. pleased     B. particular      C. worried      D. curious


18. –Well, that was really a good meal. I _________ you were a really good cook.

  --Thank you.

A. didn’t know   B. don’t know   C. haven’t know     D. hadn’t know


17. The girl is not interested in chemistry and biology,  _______ is very good.

   A. but either of them           B. each of which

   C. neither of them             D. neither of which


16. With no one to ________ for help in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.

A. turn to     B. refer to    C. turn over    D. come to


15. _________and you will win the boss’s praise.

A. Have a bit more efforts       B. A bit more efforts

C. Given one more efforts.       D. If I have one more efforts


14. _________ Mathilide had lost the necklace, Pierre's face turned white.

  A. Hearing    B. Having heard    C. When hearing   D. When he heard


13. –We expected you yesterday.

  --I’m sorry, I_________ you to say that I couldn’t be here until today.

A. must have been          B. would be calling   

C. could have been calling      D. should have called 

