0  168642  168650  168656  168660  168666  168668  168672  168678  168680  168686  168692  168696  168698  168702  168708  168710  168716  168720  168722  168726  168728  168732  168734  168736  168737  168738  168740  168741  168742  168744  168746  168750  168752  168756  168758  168762  168768  168770  168776  168780  168782  168786  168792  168798  168800  168806  168810  168812  168818  168822  168828  168836  447090 

33.He is said      in London for twenty years, and is very popular with his British students.

    A.that he has lived                  B.to have been living

    C.having lived                     D.living


32.--- I’m sorry. I’ve left my credit card home. And I don’t have enough cash for the meal.

   --- Don’t worry.     .

    A.I’ll invite you                    B.It’s my pleasure to pay you

    C.It’s my treat                     D.It’s at your expense


31.--- I bought the book at half the    price.

   --- Well, it’s really a bargain.

    A.common       B.ordinary        C.formal         D.normal


30.Mrs. White left home too late. She might have missed Flight 7688, in     case she won’t arrive in new York for the meeting.

    A.what          B.that           C.which         D.whose


29.--- I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.

   ---      , let’s go and see him.

    A.If so          B.what’s more     C.where possible   D.when necessary


28.I     you a valuable gift for your birthday, but my money    .

    A.would have liked to give; had run out

    B.would like to have given; ran out

    C.would like to have given; had been run out

    D.would like to give; ran out


27.--- How did it come about that they regarded the disagreement     without further discussion?

   --- I am not sure.

    A.being settled                     B.to be settled    

    C.had been settled                  D.as settled


26.I am surprised to find such a little girl should help support a family even though going to school

       most of her day.

    A.takes up        B.take over       C.makes up       D.save up


25.--- I am wondering how it is     I can find this special word.

   --- Perhaps you can look it up in Great Britain English – English Dictionary.

    A.where         B.there          C.which         D.that


24.--- Amazing! You     wear slippers at work.

   --- I am sorry. This is the last time.

    A.should         B.must          C.can           D.may

