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24.--- Hey, how was your Christmas?

   --- Well,       the English homework we had to do, it was awesome.

    A.because of      B.instead of       C.except for      D.but for


23.Tour guides for groups of over ten must be booked      .

    A.in particular     B.in advance      C.in addition      D.in time


22.She showed us the whole dance first, then     so that we could learn it more easily.

    A.got it through                    B.carried it out

    C.broke it down                    D.took it off




例:Mr. Smith owns      collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

    A.larger          B.a larger         C.the larger       D.a large


21.--- How do you find your partner?

   ---      .

    A.Quite by chance                  B.Online

    C.Creative and easy – going           D.Very well


第二节  书面表达(满分25分)





3.生词:植树节Arbor Day;志愿者volunteer; 铁锹spade; 桶bucket

Attention please, everyone!











As the development of the Internet, more and more            76. ____________

people tend to send out e-cards instead of paper ones to            77. ____________

their friends when an important holiday came.                   78. ____________

Comparing with traditional cards, e-cards are lively               79. ____________

and interesting. They can give us not pictures but                             80. ____________

sounds. However, it is faster to send an e-card                   81. ____________

than traditional cards. There is a variety of cards

on line which you can choose. With the                        82. ____________

popularity of e-cards, less paper is used as                     83. ____________

making paper cards, it is better for our environment.              84. ____________

   In short, using e-cards should be received by more people.      85. ____________



   Janella Molina, a veterinarian(兽医), was on a flight from Minneapolis to Albuquerque. Her

seatmate was Stephanie Watanabe, a kindergarten teacher who had grown up in Honolulu and now worked in San Diego. The two women were strangers; however, they were about the same age and both were nervous flyers, so they stuck up a conversation. When the pilot pointed out a mountain range below, they began talking about Yosemite National Park. Janella’s cousin Carmina and her husband Santiago had recently gone camping there with another couple, santiago’ brother and his wife. Stephanie said that a first-grade teacher from her school had also recently visited Yosemite and had told Stephanie about a park ranger(森林管理员) she had met there named Danielle Boone. Janella was surprised when she heard this, but not just because the ranger’s name was humorous. “That’s amazing-I think my cousin ran into the same ranger!” she said. Soon Janella and Stephanie figured out something even more unbelievable: Stephanie’s co-worker was none other than Carmina’s sister-in-law (she was married to Janella’s cousin’s husband’s brother)!

  It’s likely that this story reminds you of a similar incident in your own life. In fact, everyone you know probably has a comparable anecdote(轶事) to relate. This is because of the simple mathematics behind such coincidences(巧合), which really aren’t so remarkable after all. Let’s say you know about 1,500 people who are somewhat spread out around the United States. You meet a stranger and discover that one of the people you know knows one of the people he or she knows. If the stranger, like you, knows about 1,500 people, then there are 1,500×1,500 (or 2,250,000) opportunities for connections among your friends, family members, and acquaintances(熟人) and those of the stranger. It is likely that at least one connection will exist.

71.This passage is mainly about __________.

    A.making friends on airline flights

    B.working out large numbers

    C.the probability of connections between strangers

    D.how amazing it is that Janella had a connection to Stephanie

72.Janella and Stephanie were connected because ________________.

    A.one’s cousin had married the other’s brother

    B.they both knew Danielle Boone

    C.they had each visited Yosemite

    D.they both knew people who recently visited Yosemite

73.The writer wants us to conclude that ________________.

    A.coincidences are not as amazing as we think

    B.coincidences are even more remarkable than we think

    C.Janella and Stephanie had met before

    D.Danielle Boone was from Kentucky

74.The first paragraph is developed mainly through _______________

    A.comparing and contrasting

    B.listing the steps in a process

    C.relating an anecdote

    D.providing details to support a main idea

75.What’s the best title for the passage?

    A.The importance of communication     B.What a coincidence!

    C.An unbelievable story              D.Strangers become friends




Twenty years ago, I began studying how people become millionaires. Surveying(调查) people of the first-class neighborhoods across the country, I discovered something strange. Many people who live in expensive homes and drive expensive cars don’t have much wealth. They may earn a fair amount of money, but they spend it all.

Then I discovered something even stranger that many people who have a great deal of wealth don’t live in first-class neighborhoods. In one large city area I surveyed, fewer than half the millionaires live in high-rent districts.

What most people don’t realize is that wealth is different from income. If you make $ 1 million a year and spend $ 1 million, you’re not getting wealthier, and you’re just living high. Wealth is what you get over a period of time, not what you spend.

How do you become wealthy? There, too, most people have it wrong. It’s seldom luck or money you receive from someone who has died or even intelligence that leads to your wealth. Wealth is more often the result of a person’s hard work, perseverance(坚持不懈) and, most of all self-control.

Who tends to become wealthy? The average person with a worth of $ 1 million or more is  usually a businessman who has lived all his adult life in the same town. He owns a small factory, a few chain stores or a service company. He marries once. He lives in a middle-class neighborhood. And he has made his money in a fair way.

Attitude is the greatest difference between millionaires and the rest of us.

68.Which of the following is the stranger thing the author discovered?

    A.Many people who live in expensive homes and drive expensive cars have much wealth.

    B.Only a small number of the people who have a great deal of wealth live in first-class neighborhoods.

    C.50 percent of the millionaires live in high-rent district.

    D.Many people who have a great deal of wealth live in expensive houses.

69.Which of the following does the author lead you to believe?

    A.The average person with a worth of $ 1 million is likely to live in a middle-class neighborhood.

    B.The average person with a worth of $ 1 million or more usually is likely to be a teacher.

    C.Those who have a worth of $ 1 million or more never end their marriage.

    D.Many people who have a worth of $ 1 million or more make their money in an unfair way.

70.Who is likely to become wealthy according to the passage?

    A.Samuel is lucky and has just received a small fortune from his relative.

    B.Jason is clever and works hard but lacks the ability to make himself do the things he ought to do.

    C.Adam is a man of great determination and he always makes his money in a dishonest way.

    D.Ralph works hard and determines to do something even though it is difficult. Above all, he can control his own desires and feelings.

