0  168652  168660  168666  168670  168676  168678  168682  168688  168690  168696  168702  168706  168708  168712  168718  168720  168726  168730  168732  168736  168738  168742  168744  168746  168747  168748  168750  168751  168752  168754  168756  168760  168762  168766  168768  168772  168778  168780  168786  168790  168792  168796  168802  168808  168810  168816  168820  168822  168828  168832  168838  168846  447090 

26.Is the Day of the Dead in Mexico similar ________ or different _______ the Qingming Festival in China?

A.to; with     B.with; between    C.to; from    D.for; than


25.Then the headmaster asked us ____________________, but nobody dared to tell the truth.

A.it was whose novel                B.whose novel was it

C.it whose novel was            D.whose novel it was


24.Six prisoners have ___________ of that prison in the last few years.

A.watched out   B.set out        C.broken out      D.blocked out


23.He is really a friend of mine. He would ___________ his last penny with me.

A.cost      B.lend         C.support       D.share


22.Who can _____ be to win the computer games, Allan or Sheila?

A.they      B.she         C.he        D.it



21.We have every reason to believe that _______ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be _______ great success.

A./; a           B.the; /         C.the; a          D.a; the





6.What kind of music does the man like?

  A.Classical music.      B.Pop music.         C.Neither.

7.What’s the man’s mother?

  A.A conductor.         B.A composer.        C.A teacher.

8.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.Jack dislikes classical music because it is beyond his understanding.

  B.Jack dislikes pop music because it is too noisy.

  C.Jack likes classical music because it is profound (深奥的).


9.What is the weather like?

  A.Fine but cold.        B.Lovely and warm.      C.Cloudy and warm.

10.Where are the two speakers?

  A.At the subway station.    B.In a flat.         C.In a park.

11.What is the man doing in America?

  A.Spending his holiday.     B.Practising his English   C.Visiting a Russian family.


12.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Wife and husband.      B.Teacher and student.    C.Doctor and patient.

13.How will they go to the Fair?

  A.By taxi.            B.By bus.          C.By bike.

14.Why will they take their raincoats to the Fair while it’s sunny?

  A.Because the weatherman says there’s a rain around noon.

  B.Because there’s some sign that means rain in the sky.

  C.Because they think everything is possible.


15.What do famous artists think of Stephen’s drawings?   

    A.They are very strange.  

    B.They are very well drawn.                    

    C.They’re not quite good.

16.What is the most probable relationship between the man speaker and Stephen?

    A.Boss and employee.    B.Father and son.       C.Teacher and pupil.

17.Which of the followings shows that Stephen is a very special boy?

    A.He can draw as well as a famous artist.

    B.He can draw without looking at the object he draws.

    C.He has a special gift in drawing but finds other things difficult.


18.Why did Jim buy a smaller house?

    A.Because the house where he once lived became too big for him.

    B.Because he was used to living in the smaller house.

    C.Because a smaller house was more comfortable.

19.How did Jim take the old clock to the new house?

    A.He let the men carry his clock in their truck.

    B.He carried it down the road in his arms.

    C.He asked the boy to carry it home with him.

20.What was the boy’s suggestion?

    A.Put the clock onto the truck.    

    B.Buy a smaller clock.   

    C.Buy a new watch.




1.What are they talking about?

    A.Driving in England.   

    B.Shopping in England.   

    C.Traveling in England.

2.What does the woman mean?

    A.Mary thinks little of the concert.

    B.Mary thinks highly of the concert.

     C.She has no chance to talk to Mary.

3.Why did Mark come back from his vacation earlier?

    A.Because he was ill on the way there.

    B.Because he was short of money.

    C.Because he was asked to return by his mother.

4.What can we learn from the conversation?

    A.They are both neighbors. 

  B.They are both classmates. 

  C.They are from different countries.

5.Where does this conversation probably take place?

    A.In a clothing store.    

    B.In a reading-room.   

    C.In a hospital waiting-room.

