0  168656  168664  168670  168674  168680  168682  168686  168692  168694  168700  168706  168710  168712  168716  168722  168724  168730  168734  168736  168740  168742  168746  168748  168750  168751  168752  168754  168755  168756  168758  168760  168764  168766  168770  168772  168776  168782  168784  168790  168794  168796  168800  168806  168812  168814  168820  168824  168826  168832  168836  168842  168850  447090 

19.In the 1990s a new material was added to the cotton to make jeans stretch and give an even tighter fit _____ the bottom and legs.

  A.on         B.over           C.at            D.along


18.These books are both interesting and instructive. No wonder they ______ the youth.

  A.apply to       B.approve of      C.appeal to       D.attend to 


17.The other parents tried to pull the heartbroken father off _____ was left of the school, saying “It’s too late to dig! They are all dead.”

    A.that        B.what          C.which         D.where


16.--- You shouldn’t have gone there alone last night.

--- But I ______. Philip went there together with me.

  A.didn’t          B.hadn’t         C.wouldn’t       D.wasn’t


15.He felt _______ as soon as he realized that he had asked a foolish question.

    A.bored          B.displeased       C.embarrassed     D.disappointed


14.I was scared and feeling pretty anxious, ______in a new country.

    A.for the first time I was             B.I was the first time     

    C.being my first time                D.this being my first time


13.--- Peter was late for Mr. Black’s literature class this morning.

  --- ______? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

      A.So what       B.Why not        C.How come      D.What for


12.Alice is one of those students who I am sure always do ______ best in most difficult situations.

  A.their           B.her            C.one’s          D.my


11.--- Amazing! You ______ wear slippers at work.

   --- Don’t you know it’s a fashion?

    A.must          B.should         C.can           D.may


9.The term “weak eyesight” is misleading, ______ in near-sighted eyes the lens(水晶体)of   the eye is actually too strong.                

     A.though       B.for            C.so            D.unless

10.Many people are said to have seen the movie “Titanic” over five times; no wonder it has   gained more than one billion dollars ______.

  A.until then       B.in time         C.right away      D.up to now

