0  168658  168666  168672  168676  168682  168684  168688  168694  168696  168702  168708  168712  168714  168718  168724  168726  168732  168736  168738  168742  168744  168748  168750  168752  168753  168754  168756  168757  168758  168760  168762  168766  168768  168772  168774  168778  168784  168786  168792  168796  168798  168802  168808  168814  168816  168822  168826  168828  168834  168838  168844  168852  447090 

8.You should try to get a good night’s sleep,      much work you have to do.

    A.however        B.no matter       C.although        D.whatever


7.  -Mr. Johnson has     us $ 150,000 for the apartment . Shall we take it ?

    -Oh ,the price sounds quite reasonable; that’s a good deal.

    A.provided        B.supplied        C.shown         D.offered


6.A   bus service to the new airport started to operate two months ago.

    A.normal         B.usual          C.regular         D.common


5.  -It’s reported that a heavy snowstorm is around the corner.

    -We’d better keep some candles    there is a power cut.

    A.if             B.in case         C.unless         D.so that


4.According to the World Health Organization,     spread of AIDS is becoming   concern for people all over the world.

    A.the ;the        B./ ;a            C.the ;a          D./;the


3.  -Sorry ,Ann. I’m afraid that I can’t go to the magic show by David Copperfield with you.

    -      Who knows when he will be back here next time?

    A.It doesn’t matter. B.Do as you like.   C.Take it easy.     D.What a pity!


2.Every few    along the Great Wall there are some watch towers.

    A.hundred meters                  B.hundreds meters

    C.hundreds of meter                                D.hundreds of meters




1.  -When will you come to see me ,Dad?

    -I will go to see you when you   the training course.

    A.will have finished                 B.will finish

    C.are finishing                     D.finish

