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26.It was a good concert;______________I enjoyed the last song

   A. in need     B. in particular       C. in other words     D. in the meantime


25.Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to disappear ____________discover a new meaning in competition.

   A. we did         B. did we       C. can we        D. we can


24.The driver jumped out of the car      it caught fire and didn't get hurt.

A.the moment      B.in case           C.as if         D.by the time


23.Drinking too much, the doctor said,      his poor health.

A.devoted to       B.based on     C.arose from      D.contributed to


22.--Thanks for your timely help.

   --You should thank Tom      me. He sent me here in his car.

A.except for       B.regardless of     C.rather than           D.in spite of



21.Rosa didn't remember the exact date of the storm, but she knew it was _______ Sunday because everybody was at________ church.

A.不填;the      B.a;不填      C.不填;a      D.the;不填

