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20.-Haven’t I told you that I like the beef well done?

-Yes, but I    it longer than I usually do.

    A.was cooking     B.will cook       C.had cooked       D.cooked


19.I remember      to help us if we ever got into trouble.

    A.once offering                    B.him once offering  

    C.him to offer                     D.to offer him


18.My cell phone is not in my bag. Where    I have put it?

    A.can           B.might          C.must            D.would


17.-Jim, shall I give you a ride as it is so late

-Thank you.    

    A.It all depends                    B.If you prefer

    C.It couldn’t be better               D.It’s up to you


16.She gave     a winning smile.

    A.whomever came to the door         B.whoever came to the door

    C.no matter who came to the door       D.no matter whom came to the door


15.It was not until I saw Margaret the next morning in New York     I felt happy.

A.when          B.that           C.before           D.where


14.At about nine o’clock in the morning, the students reached     the locals called Great Evergreen Island.

    A.what          B.that           C.where           D.which


13.-What’s the time by your watch?

    -My watch    five to seven.

    A.appears        B.speaks         C.tells             D.says


12.How does the movie finally come     ? I can’t wait to see the ending!

    A.out           B.in             C.down           D.up

