0  168679  168687  168693  168697  168703  168705  168709  168715  168717  168723  168729  168733  168735  168739  168745  168747  168753  168757  168759  168763  168765  168769  168771  168773  168774  168775  168777  168778  168779  168781  168783  168787  168789  168793  168795  168799  168805  168807  168813  168817  168819  168823  168829  168835  168837  168843  168847  168849  168855  168859  168865  168873  447090 

28.-It is understandable for him to make such mistakes.

    -You are right,      that he is only a new hand.

    A.being considered  B.considering      C.to be considered D.considered


27.    I sit here for a while     I’m wanted?

    A.Could;unless    B.Could;so that   C.Shall;in case    D.Shall; until


26.-What are you looking at?

    -Shih…Jane. Her eyes are red. She     .

    A.has been crying   B.had been crying   C.cried          D.had cried


25.-Have you found anything interesting?

    -None of the information    particularly useful to me.

    A.is            B.are           C.have           D.has


24.If I try to correct someone,I have to do it with so much good humor and bright smile as if I were the one     .

    A.to have been corrected             B.correcting

    C.having been corrected             D.being corrected


23.I found myself sitting next to    George Bush! Not    George Bush,of course,but someone with the same name

    A.不填;a       B.不填;the      C.a;不填        D.the;不填


22.There were sun-beds and sun-shades     shades the entire length of the beach.

    A.along         B.across         C.through        D.over




    例:It’s so nice to hear from her again.     , we last met more than thirty years ago.

    A.What’s more   B.That’s to say     C.In other words   D.Believe it or not


21.-These oranges are only a dollar eighty-nine a pound.

    一Well, they are    than the others,but they don’t look     good

    A.prettier;very    B.cheaper;as     C.better;too      D.more expensive; so

